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Automobile Products
7 Etiquettes to Observe When You’re in the Passenger’s Seat
Sometimes you find yourself in sitting in the passenger seat. Maybe you’re taking an Uber to the airport. Maybe your car is getting some repair work done and you’re riding with a colleague to a business meeting. Or maybe you’re hitting the road with friends for a...
13 Basic Driving Etiquettes You Should Know
Leisure/joy drives and fun road trips aside, the road can be a dangerous place, and it’s partly thanks to drivers who either don’t know or choose to disregard basic traffic rules and driving etiquettes. It’s also possible that some basic driving etiquettes may simply...
10 Tools and Items to Always Keep in Your Car
The road is full of surprises, and every day that you’re out there in your car means something could always come up. How prepared you? A huge part of a driver’s preparedness is having the right tools within reach for the most common scenarios on the road. It’s better...
5 Ways to Prevent Rainwater Damage to Your Car
As it falls, rain collects all sorts of contaminants and pollutants in the air. These then end up on your car, specifically your car paint, when you’re out driving in the rain or leave your car unprotected outside. No, indeed—driving in the rain is not a cheap way to...
5 Ways Your Car Can Be Damaged by Rainwater
If you think your car getting a rainwater “wash” will save you some carwash money, you can’t be farther from the truth—and definitely farther from saving money. On the contrary, rainwater is not good for your car, and therefore can put a dent on your budget. Here are...
6 Tips for Waxing Your Car
Car wax, or automobile wax, is a natural or synthetic product designed to provide a thin layer of protection to the body parts of a vehicle and keep the paint job looking sharp, shiny, and flawless. Waxing your car should be done regularly. How often depends on...
6 Reasons to Wax Your Car
Waxing should be part of your car maintenance routine, unless you’ve opted for matte paint, in which case waxing is out of the question. Car wax (also called automotive wax) is designed, after all, to help keep your vehicle looking clean and sharp and brand new, or as...
How to Properly and Safely Use Cruise Control
Cruise control is an electronic vehicle device that allows the driver to lock the accelerator on a specific set speed (within the speed limit, of course). It is a convenience feature, and if your daily commute includes a major or interstate highway, it can absolutely...
7 Tips for Keeping Your Paint Job Looking New
A clean, flawless-looking paint job can take years off your car’s actual age—even keep it looking as new as the day you bought it. Of course, everyday use is not much of an ally when it comes to keeping your paint job looking spotless. These are the top causes of...
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